Marie S.-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships in Photonics

FEMTO-ST has recently joined the list of partners in the COFUND-MULTIPLY project. MULTIPLY is a 5 year Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND Action co-ordinated by the Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies, Aston University, that will offer interdisciplinary training for over 50 outstanding international experienced researchers in the areas of photonics science, technology and applications over the programme duration.

For available candidates, please consult the project's website: and look  for the current call.

For more local information, please contact either Thibaut Sylvestre or Daniel Brunner.


Journal and book publications:


  • Moughames, J.; Porte, X.; Jacquot, M.; Larger, L.; Kadic, M.; Brunner, D.; "3D printed multimode-splitters for photonic interconnects," Optical Materials Express 10, 2952 (2020). DOI: 10.1364/OME.402974
  • Andreoli, L.; Porte, X.; Chrétien, S.; Jacquot, M.; Larger, L.; Brunner, D.; "Boolean learning under noise-perturbations in hardware neural networks," Nanophotonics 9, special issue: Photonics for computing and computing for photonics (2020). DOI: 10.1515/nanoph-2020-0171.
  • Moughames, J.; Porte, X.; Thiel, M.; Ulliac, G.; Jacquot, M.; Larger, L.; Kadic, M.; Brunner, D.; "Three-dimensional waveguide interconnects for scalable integration of photonic neural networks," Optica 7, 640 (2020). DOI: 10.1364/OPTICA.388205.


  • Semenova, N.; Porte, X.; Andreoli, L.; Jacquot, M.; Larger, L.; Brunner, D.; "Fundamental aspects of noise in analog-hardware neural networks," Chaos 29, 103128 (2019). DOI: 10.1063/1.5120824.
  • BOOK: "PHOTONIC RESERVOIR COMPUTING (Optical Recurrent Neural Networks)". Editors: Brunner, D.; Soriano, M.C.; Van der Sande, G.; De Gruyter (2019). link to publisher.
  • Maktoobi, S.; Froehly, L.; Anreoli, L.; Porte, X.; Jacquot, M.; Larger, L.; Brunner, B.; "Diffractive coupling for photonic networks: how big can we go?," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 26, 7600108 (2020). DOI: 10.1109/JSTQE.2019.2930454.
  • Penkovsky, B.; Porte, X.; Jacquot, M.; Larger, L.; Brunner, B.; "Coupled nonlinear delay systems as deep convolutional neural networks," Physical Review Letters 123, 054101 (2019). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.054101.

Oral presentations by Dr. Xavier Porte:


  • Porte, X.; Andreoli, L.; Chretien, S.; Jacquot, M.; Larger, L.; Brunner, D.; “Greedy Reinforcement Learning in Large Photonic Neural Networks”, Invited Presentation, The International Conference on Hybrid Photonics and Materials, Naxos/Greece (2019).
  • Porte, X.; Holzinger, S.; Kreinberg, S.; Schlottmann, E.; Heuser, T.; Große, J.; Andreoli, L.; Jacquot, M.; Larger, L.; Reitzenstein, S.; Brunner, D.; “Optical coupling of quantum-dot micropillar lasers with application to neuromorphic computing”, Invited Presentation, European Semiconductor Lasers Workshop, Cork/Ireland (2019).
  • Porte, X.; Andreoli, L.; Chretien, S.; Jacquot, M.; Larger, L.; Brunner, D.; “Greedy Boolean Learning in Photonic Recurrent Neural Networks”, Invited Presentation, ML-Photonica 2019: Machine Learning with Photonics, Belgrade/Serbia (2019).
  • Porte, X.; Andreoli, L.; Heuser, T.; Große, J.; Jacquot, M.; Chretien, S.; Reitzenstein, S.; Larger, L.; Brunner, D.; “Greedy Boolean Learning in Photonic Recurrent Neural Networks”, Oral Presentation, Workshop on Dynamical Systems and Brain-
    Inspired Information Processing, Konstanz/Germany (2019).