The presenting author is indicated in bold font.
- Brunner, D.; "Physics, integration and training of scalable and autonomous Photonic Neural Networks," IS-PALD Saitama City, Japan, November 5th 2024. Invited.
- Skalli, A.; Haghighi, N.; Gebski, M.; Czyszanowski, T.; Reitzenstein, S.; Lott, J. A.; Brunner, D.; "Scaling of size and learning in fully implemented and trained optical semiconductor laser neural networks," 10th Workshop on the Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Laser, Sopot, Poland, October 15th 2024. Invited.
- Skalli, A.; Goldmann, M.; Grabulosa, A.; Brunner, D.; "Autonomous Optical (deep) Neural Networks in Multimode-lasers," Machine Learning Photonics III, Lake Como School of Advanced studies, Fondazione Alessandro Volta, Como, Italy, 04 September 2024. Invited.
- Skalli, A.; Grabulosa, A.; Brunner, D.; "Physics, integration and training of scalable and autonomous Photonic Neural Networks," Berlin School of Optical Sciences & Quantum Technology, Schloss Fleesensee, Germany, July 16th 2024. Invited.
- Skalli, A.; Grabulosa, A.; Brunner, D.; "Physics, integration and training of scalable and autonomous Photonic Neural Networks," Faculty of Physics, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, July 8th 2024. Invited.
- Grabulosa, A.; Skalli, A.; Brunner, D.; "Towards Autonomous Optical Neural Networks Leveraging 3D Integration," Photonics for Information Processing, 811. WE-Heraeus-Seminar, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany, 03 June 2024. Invited.
- Grabulosa, A.; Skalli, A.; Brunner, D.; "Towards hardware neural networks with scalability in size, energy and training effort," Artificial Intelligence for iMaging 2024, La Rapita, Tarragona, Spain, May 30th 2024. Invited.
- Brunner, D.; "Physics, integration and training of scalable and autonomous Photonic Neural Networks," Institute for Applied Optics and Biophysics, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany, May 22nd 2024. Invited.
- Brunner, D.; "Optische Kuenstliche Intelligenz," Scientific outreach Etonnante physique, French Consolute Munich, May 2nd 2024. Invited.
- Brunner, D.; "Optische Kuenstliche Intelligenz," Scientific outreach Etonnante physique, Lycée Jean Renoir, French High School Munich, May 2nd 2024. Invited.
- Grabulosa, A.; Skalli, A.; Moughames, J.; Porte, X.; Haghighi, N.; Lott, J.A.; Reitzenstein, S.; Brunner, D.; "Scalable and autonomous photonic neural networks," 2P7a -New Trends in Nonlinear Optics and Emerging Platforms for The Generation of Complex Light, PIERS Conference, Chengdu, China, April 23rd 2024. Invited.
- Brunner, D.; "Physics, integration and training of scalable and autonomous Photonic Neural Networks," Seminar Electrical Engineering Department, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, April 21st 2024. Invited.
- Brunner, D.; "The major case and challenge for photonics AI remains: Scaling up," Photonic Computing: Highlight the ultimate nature of light, Tokyo University, Japan, March 12th 2024. Invited.
- Brunner, D.; "Scalable integration and application of laser neural networks," Session: Neural Networks, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, January 29th 2024. Invited.
- Brunner, D.; "3D integration of scalable and autonomous Photonic Neural Networks," Enrico Fermi Colloquium Lens, Florence, Italy, January 18th 2024. Invited.
Grabulosa A.; Porte X.; Moughames J.; Jung E.; Brunner D.; “Adaptative additive fabrication of parallel, high-performing 3D integrated optical interconnects”, 3D Printed Optics and Additive Photonic Manufacturing IV - SPIE Photonics Europe, Strasbourg - France (2024).
Grabulosa A.; Porte X.; Moughames J.; Jung E.; Brunner D.; “Additive-CMOS compatible fabrication of 3D photonic circuits towards multi-chip integration of hybrid platforms”, Integrated Photonic Platforms III - SPIE Photonics Europe, Strasbourg - France (2024).
Grabulosa A.; Skalli A.; Goldmann M.; Porte X.; Haghighi N.; Reitzenstein S.; Lott J. A.; Brunner D.; “A high performing fully tunable laser towards parallel photonic neural networks”, 32nd annual international laser physics workshop (LPHYS’24) - Seminar 4: physics and applications of nanolasers, Sao Carlos - Brazil (2024). Invited.
Grabulosa A.; Porte X.; Moughames J.; Brunner D.; “Additive-CMOS compatible fabrication of 3D photonic circuits for integrating multi-chip and multi-material platforms”, 32nd annual international laser physics workshop (LPHYS’24) - Seminar 12: optical computing and neural networks, Sao Carlos - Brazil (2024). Invited.
Grabulosa A.; Skalli, A.; Brunner D.; “3D printing as efficient tool for hybrid co-integration of multiple photonic platforms”, 3rd Symposium on Functional Nanomaterials Sciences (FNMS’24), Shanghai - China (2024). Invited.
Grabulosa A.; Porte X.; Moughames J.; Brunner D.; “3D printed photonic circuits towards efficient and scalable integration of hybrid photonic platforms”, Journées Nationales sur les Technologies Emergentes en micro-nanofabrication (JNTE’24), Saint-Etienne - France (2024). Invited - Prix RENATECH.
Genin, V.; Puhalo-Smith, J.; Sharma, K.; Grabulosa, A.; Brunner, D.; "Impression 3D par Polymérisation à deux photons : vers une intégration évolutive des réseaux 3D Photoniques.", French Photonics Days, Poster presentation, 15-16th October 2024, Besançon, France.
Sharma, K.; Grabulosa, A.; Jung, E.; and Brunner, D.; "High-density hybrid 3D optical integration to enable scalable photonic neural networks", Machine Learning Photonics, Summer school Lake Como (2 -6 sept, 2024).
Sharma, K.; Grabulosa, A.; Jung, E.; and Brunner, D.; "Three-dimensional integrated optical neural network", Proc. SPIE 13017, Machine Learning in Photonics, 130170K (18 June 2024); DOI: 10.1117/12.3022124
Sharma, K.; Grabulosa, A.; Jung, E.; and Brunner, D.; "High-density hybrid 3D optical integration to enable scalable photonic neural networks", Proc. SPIE PC13118, Emerging Topics in Artificial Intelligence (ETAI) 2024, PC1311803 (4 October 2024); DOI: 10.1117/12.3026202
- Grabulosa, A.; Skalli, A.; Brunner, D.; "Towards more neuromorphic photonic neural networks for scalability and efficiency," AI Photonics, San Sebastian, Spain, September 11th 2023. Invited.
- Grabulosa, A.; Skalli, A.; Brunner, D.; "Physics, integration and training of scalable and autonomous Photonic Neural Networks," Frontiers of Neuromorphic Computing, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen, Germany, September 5th 2023. Invited.
- Grabulosa, A.; Skalli, A.; Brunner, D.; "Some (crucial) differences between neural network concepts, physical hardware and resulting consequences," Optics & Photonics, ETAI 2023, San Diego USA, August 23rd 2023. Invited.
- Grabulosa, A.; Skalli, A.; Moughames, J.; Porte, X; Brunner, D.; "Scalable and autonomous photonic neural networks." CLEO Europe/EQEC, Munich, France, June 30th 2023. Invited.
- Grabulosa, A.; Skalli, A.; Moughames, J.; Porte, X; Brunner, D.; "3D additive fabrication for CMOS-compatible integration of scalable neural networks." EMRS spring meeting, Strasbourg, France, June 12t 2023. Invited.
- Grabulosa, A.; Skalli, A.; Moughames, J.; Porte, X; Brunner, D.; "Towards scalable and autonomous Photonic Neural Networks." Swiss photonics workshop, EPFL, Lausanne, CH, April 27th 2023. Invited.
- Grabulosa, A.; Skalli, A.; Moughames, J.; Porte, X; Brunner, D.; "Scalability and photonic neural networks." Rank Symposium, Grasmere, UK, February 8th 2023. Invited.
- Skalli, A.; Porte, X; Haghighi, N.; Lott, J.A.; Reitzenstein, S.; Brunner, D.; "Versatile DMDs as input information platform and trainable weights in optical neural networks." SPIE Photonics West, Photonic Hardware Accelerators II, January 30th 2023. Invited.
- Skalli, A.; Porte, X; Brunner, D.; "Versatile DMDs as input information platform and trainable weights in optical neural networks." SPIE Photonics West, Computational Imaging / ONN, January 30th 2023. Invited.
- Grabulosa, A.; Moughames, J.; Porte, X; Brunner, D.; "3D additive fabrication for CMOS-compatible integration of scalable neural networks." SPIE Photonics West, 3D printing of Bio-inspired Structures and Materials, January 30th 2023. Invited.
Grabulosa, A.; Porte, X.; Moughames, J.; Brunner, D.; “Combining (3+1)D printed photonic circuits and CMOS technology for future high-performance integration”, CLEO Europe, Munich (2023).
Grabulosa, A.; Porte, X.; Moughames, J.; Brunner, D.; “3D printing towards the scalable and efficient integration of high- performance hybrid platforms”, EOSAM, Dijon (2023).
Skalli, A.; Porte, X.; Haghighi, N.; Reitzenstein, S.; Lott, J. A.; & Brunner, D. (2023, June). “An autonomous semiconductor laser neural network”. CLEO EUROPE Munich, Germany June 2023.
Skalli, A.; Goldmann, M.; Porte, X.; Haghighi, N.; Reitzenstein, S.; Lott, J. A.; & Brunner, D. “A high performance fully tunable laser-based neural network”. NNPC Hannover, Germany November 2023, invited.
Skalli, A.; Goldmann, M.; Porte, X., Haghighi, N.; Reitzenstein, S.; Lott, J. A.; & Brunner, D. “A high performance fully tunable laser-based neural network”. NLO Honolulu, Hawaii July 2023.
Skalli, A., Goldmann, M., Porte, X., Haghighi, N., Reitzenstein, S., Lott, J. A., & Brunner, D. (2023). “A scalable and fully tuneable VCSEL-based neural network”. EOS Annual Meeting Dijon, France October 2023.
Sharma K.; Grabulosa A.; Jung E; Brunner D.; "Three Dimensional Integrated Optical Neural Network", Femto-ST Annual Seminar, Belfort (2023).
Grabulosa, A.; Porte, X.; Moughames, J.; Brunner, D.; “3D integration towards scalability for photonic neural network integration”, 2nd workshop on Neuromorphic computing and applications, University of West Attica, Athens (2023), invited.