Compact Yb+ clock project:
Preliminary characterization of a surface electrode Paul trap for frequency metrology, J. Madunic et al., Journal of Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2889 012013, 2024.
Heating rate measurement and characterization of a prototype surface-electrode trap for optical frequency metrology, Thomas Lauprêtre et al., App. Phys. B 129:37, 2023.
Single-ion, transportable optical atomic clocks, Marion Delehaye and Clément Lacroûte, Journal of Modern Optics 65, 622-639, 2018.
Residual Phase Noise Measurement of Optical Second Harmonic Generation in PPLN Waveguides, M. Delehaye, J. Millo, P.-Y. Bourgeois, L. Groult, R. Boudot, E. Rubiola, E. Bigler, Y. Kersalé, C. Lacroûte, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 29 (19), p. 1639-1642, 2017.
Compact Yb+ optical atomic clock project: design principle and current status, C. Lacroûte, M. Souidi, P.-Y. Bourgeois, J. Millo, K. Saleh, E. Bigler, R. Boudot, V. Giordano, Y. Kersalé, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 723(1), 012025, 2016.
Frequency stability of a wavelength meter and applications to laser frequency stabilization, K. Saleh, J. Millo, A. Didier, Y. Kersalé, C. Lacroûte, Applied Optics 54 (32), p. 9446-9449, 2015.
Related publications:
Ultracompact reference ultralow expansion glass cavity, Alexandre Didier, Jacques Millo, Baptiste Marechal, Cyrus Rocher, Enrico Rubiola, Roméo Lecomte, Morvan Ouisse, Jérôme Delporte, Clément Lacroûte, and Yann Kersalé, Applied Optics 57 (22), pp. 6470-6473, 2018.
Photonic Generation of High Power, Ultrastable Microwave Signals by Vernier Effect in a Femtosecond Laser Frequency Comb, Khaldoun Saleh, Jacques Millo, Baptiste Marechal, Benoît Dubois, Ahmed Bakir, Alexandre Didier, Clément Lacroûte and Yann Kersalé, Scientific Reports volume 8, Article number: 1997, 2018.
Design of an ultra-compact reference ULE cavity, A. Didier, J. Millo, C. Lacroûte, M. Ouisse, J. Delporte, V. Giordano, E. Rubiola and Y. Kersalé, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 723(1), 012029, 2016.
Ultra-low phase noise all-optical microwave generation setup based on commercial devices, A. Didier, J. Millo, S. Grop, B. Dubois, E. Bigler, E. Rubiola, C. Lacroûte, Y. Kersalé, Applied Optics 54 (12), p. 3682-3685, 2015.