Key people involved in the project
The ANR-LiLit project (ANR-16-CE24-0022) is a collaboration between the FEMTO-ST Institute, INL, CEA-Leti and Annealsys, and rallies more than 15 people working towards a single task: the integration of LiNbO3 films to the Si technology for ultra-wide band and high-frequency RF filters.
Here you can find a brief introduction on the essential people involved in the completion of this project.
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FEMTO-ST Institute |

ASTIÉ Vincent - FEMTO-ST, Annealsys
Following an Engineering degree at ENSMM (Besançon, France) with specialization in Materials science in 2016, V. Astié worked briefly on LiNbO3 nanostructures for nano-piezoelectic applications before beginning his PhD in Engineering science at the University of Franche-Comté (Besançon, France) in collaboration with the company Annealsys (Montpellier, France). His task in the LiLit project is to develop and implement an industrial alkali niobates (LiNbO3, KNbO3, ...) epitaxial deposition process to deposit the essential piezoelectric layer in the resonator structure.
Find more on: femto-st, LinkedIn, ResearchGate

A. Bartasyte has an experience of 14 years in deposition of epitaxial multifunctional oxides and their heterostructures (superconductors, mixed conductors, high-κ dielectrics and ferroelectrics) by means of PI-MOCVD and RF sputtering. She started to work on thin films during her undergraduate studies in Chemistry at Vilnius University in Lithuania and PhD in Grenoble INP (2007). She did her postdoctoral research at Oxford University on LiNbO3, LiTaO3 and LiNb1-xTaxO3 single crystal growth, study of their structure and the estimation/control of Li stoichiometry in LiTaO3 crystals by VTE.
Find more on: femto-st, LinkedIn, ResearchGate, Labex-Action

Bernard Dulmet has been with ENSMM (Besançon, France) since 1976. In 1978, he defended a PhD in the field of the trapped energy vibrations of BAW resonators. Then he worked as research engineer on the development of accelerometric sensors. He studied the lagrangian formulation of thermo-electro-elasticity with Prof. H.F. Tiersten from RPI (Troy, N.Y.). In 1991 he defended a doctorate thesis introducing this formulation into the applications of Green's function and Hamilton's principle to the modeling of BAW resonators and their sensitivity to external parameters. He has worked extensively on the principle of non-linear piezoelectricity and its application in sensors, oscillators and energy harvesters. He was awarded the Georgy Nadjakov Medal in 2006, and is now considered one of the most versed person on the subject of non-linear piezoelectricity.
Find more on: femto-st, LinkedIn, ResearchGate

KUPRENAITE Sabina - Vilnius University, FEMTO-ST
During her undergraduate studies in Chemistry, S. Kuprenaite worked on thin film growth optimisation by means of MOCVD in Vilnius University, Lithuania. She continued to work on epitaxial thin films and heterostructures by means of MOCVD and RF Magnetron Sputtering during her bilateral PhD (2019) between Vilnius University, Lithuania and FEMTO-ST Institute in Besançon, France.
Find more on: femto-st, LinkedIn, ResearchGate
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CEA-Leti |

Marie Bousquet
Marie Bousquet received her PhD in Materials science in 2010 for her work in the growth and the characterization of epitaxial lead-free ferroelectric NBT thin films obtained by Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) in the University of Limoges. She then worked on the properties of bismuth-containing nanostructures before joining CEA-Leti in 2012 as an R&D engineer specialized in the characterization of piezoelectric materials as well as their integration in actuators. In 2015, she moved to Carestream Dental where she worked on the coordination between academic and industrial partners but kept her role as R&D Materials Project Leader. Later in 2016, she reintegrated CEA as project leader and as expert in PLD and in the integration of piezoelectric thin film for RF filters.
Find more on: LinkedIn, ResearchGate

REINHARDT Alexandre - CEA-Leti
Alexandre Reinhardt obtained his Engineering degree in 2001 from the École Centrale de Lille in France, and a DEA in Electronics and Telecommunications, Ultrasonics from the Université de Valenciennes et du Hainault Cambresis the same year. In 2005 he received his PhD in Engineering sciences from the University of Franche-Comté, and after a year as a Post-Doctoral student in the University of Bath, he joined the CEA-Leti in Grenoble to work on the modeling and the design of high-frequency wide bandwidth filters. He is a specialist in the design of SAW, BAW and Lamb-wave resonators as well as RF microacoustic devices in general. In 2017 he became, in view of his extensive competences, Senior Expert in radiofrequency devices for the CEA-Leti.
Find more on: LinkedIn, ResearchGate
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Institute of Nanotechnology of Lyon |

Guillaume Saint-Girons obtained his Engineering degree at INSA Rennes in 1999, et later received his PhD at Paris-VI University (2002), and his HDR in 2009, at the Claude Bernard Université – Lyon-I. Since 2002, he is Research fellow at the CNRS, and is co-responsible for the heteroepitaxy and nanostructure team of INL since 2010. G. St-Girons is a specialist in epitaxial growth, structural and optical properties of semi-conductors and oxides nanostructures and heterostructures. Since 2013, he is in charge of the joint laboratory INL-RIBER on molecular beam epitaxy (MBE).
Find more on: ResearchGate, EC-Lyon
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DECAMS Jean-Manuel - Annealsys
Jean-Manuel Decams was awarded a PhD in Molecular Chemistry in the synthesis of chemical precursors for CVD from the University of Nice in 1999. He is now R&D Manager at Annealsys and responsible for process development and cooperation research projects. Over the years, he has been involved in many development projects for superconductor, metals and high-k materials deposited by MOCVD. He is a specialist in organic chemistry and CVD precursors, he also holds several patents and is associated with a number of publications. He is co-inventor of the state of the art direct liquid injection vaporization system used in all DLI-CVD reactors of Annealsys.
Find more on: LinkedIn, ResearchGate, Annealsys