FEMTO-ST Institute - University of Franche-Comté
FEMTO-ST Institute (UMR6174, rated A+, www.femto-st.fr) is one of the biggest and most competitive French laboratories in engineering sciences for micro- and nanoscale (about 700 persons). In general, the research at FEMTO-ST is focused on micro- and nano-systems (mainly based on electro-active materials) and on the development of new technologies for numerous different fields starting from basic physics, acoustics, optics to applications in energy or medicine and industrial developments. The institute has an active policy of developing partnerships with both public organisms and industry. It also manages a laboratory associated with the National Laboratory for Metrology of Time and Frequencies. The institute is a coordinator of numerous national and international actions in the frame of different projects (European projects, international programs, ANR, contracts with DGA, CNES and industrial projects). FEMTO-ST gives strong support for research projects in tasks related to administration, communication, mechanics, electronics and informatics. Technological platform MIMENTO of FEMTO-ST, dedicated to micro- and nano-fabrication is one of the biggest clean rooms in France (network RTB). FEMTO-ST and its MIMENTO platform are known for their scientific and technological excellence in the fields of micro-acoustic devices (SAW) and piezoelectric materials such as LiNbO3.

LETI (Laboratoire d’Électronique et de Technologie de l'Information) in Grenoble, France is operated by the Direction de la Recherche Technologique of CEA. Its purpose is to help companies to increase their competitiveness through technological innovation and transfer of its technical know-how to industry. LETI benefits from 10,000 m² state-of-the-art clean room facilities (equipped for 160 M€) where the 200-300 mm Si microelectronics and MEMS Si plateforms are operated 24-7. CEA also operates jointly with the academic laboratories of the Minatec Campus (RENATEC network) an up-stream 500 m² of research clean room (Plateforme de Technologie Amont, or PTA) adapted for 4” wafers of all types of materials.

Institute of Nanotechnology of Lyon
INL (Institut des Nanotechnologies de Lyon, UMR CNRS 5270), host of the Nanolyon technology platform, has had a pioneering positioning and is now one of the leading laboratories at the international scale in the growth of systems combining crystalline oxides and semiconductor (integration of perovskites oxides on Si and GaAs, epitaxy of InP and GaAs on Si templates). INL has participated to numerous contractual projects in this field, including two ongoing European projects on oxide integration for energy harvesting (TIPS project, in collaboration with ILM and CETHIL) and integrated photonics (SITOGA project). INL hosts high level epitaxy facilities, including a unique MBE cluster tool combining a III-V dedicated reactor, an oxide dedicated reactor (equipped for Si growth) and an XPS spectrometer connected to each other under Ultra High Vacuum. The oxide MBE reactor is a prototype machine developed in the framework of a joint laboratory between RIBER and INL: it includes state of the art configuration and equipment for oxide growth control. INL also hosts a wide range of structural and functional characterization facilities, including a state of the art Rigaku Smartlab diffractometer equipped with an heating stage. INL also hosts a wide range of electrical characterization set-ups including C-V, I-V, P-E and PUND measurements as well as Hall effect and versatile AixACCT probe. In the end, INL has developed several state-of-the-art microscopes for PFM and conductive AFM measurements.

Located in Montpellier, France, Annealsys develops RTP and DLI-CVD / DLI-ALD systems for research applications in various fields, such as: silicon and compound semiconductors, nanotechnologies, glass, MEMS, solar cells etc. Annealsys proposes dedicated solutions for Rapid Thermal Processing, and Chemical Vapor Deposition for laboratories and companies for low to medium production capability. They are participating in a number of national and european projects such as the RIF project – Innovative & Functional Coatings for Plastics that aims to develop and demonstrate the industrial capability of the organometallic injection process (MO-CVD), or the DIMENSION project that focuses on the growth, characterization and future applications of 2D materials, namely Transition Metals Dichalcogenides (TMDs).