Justine will defend her thesis ( Design, simulation and fabrication of a vertical microscanner for phase modulation interferometry - Application to optical coherence tomography system for skin...
The MOEMS group participated to the 4th French Symposium on Emerging Technologies for micro-nanofabrication in Lyon from 18th to 20th of November 2015, with an oral presentation entitled MOEMS...
Co-organized by EPFL & FEMTO-ST, on the 4th of December, 2015, at Besançon, th is seminar will propose conferences and round table with keynotes speakers from both institutes and from industrial...
Our group is involved in the organization of the international Workshop MNP 2015: Micro Nano Photonics. Christophe Gorecki is the co-chair of the event. MNP 2015 is the 1st international workshop...
From 8th to 11th of October, The MOEMS group participates to the LUX event by presenting the atomic clocks to the public on Femto-st dedicated booth “Les horloges atomiques comtoises”. It is also...
On the 17th and 18th of September 2015, at the Saline Royale in Arc et Senans, France, the 3rd SMYLE workshop offered conferences about: “Immersed in photons: How our society is deeply affected by...
Following the publication of an article in Scientific Reports , a new architecture of alkali vapor cells for miniaturized atomic clocks developed by the MOEMS group has been highlighted in different...
A new project called DOCT-VCSEL has been accepted for funding by the ANR (National research agency). The project involves our group and the Besancon Hospital and the coordinator LAAS (Toulouse,...
The MOEMS group gave an Invited talk at the 20th annual international conference on commercializing micro- and nanotechnology (COMS 2015), Cracow (Poland), “ Silicon-glass platform for vertical multi...
The MOEMS group will participate to 2015 IEEE Optical MEMS and Nanophonics from 2nd to 6th of August in Jerusalem. The communication is “Mirau micro-interferometer for swept-source optical coherence...